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Thursday, 19 March 2009

Online gambling mistakes!! (final part)

This is the last post that i will posting up here and share with you guys. Hope your will read it and leave comment to me.Thanks.

Failing to Follow Proven Game Strategies – You will lose consistently if you play on pure guesswork and whims. You must play online casino games by employing strategies that have been mathematically proven to be your best option.

Failing to Familiarize Yourself with the Rules of the Online Casino – Rules and regulations as to play at online casino games can differ from online casino to online casino. You can make mistakes that will result in losses if you don’t know the rules and regulations that govern play at a particular casino.

Failing to Familiarize Yourself with Promotions/Customer Service/Payout Protocol of a Particular Casino – You could lose out by not taking advantage of promotional bonuses offered, such as first-time deposit and loyalty bonuses. You must also be familiar with a site’s customer service policy and payout protocol in order to ensure your rights as a player.

Blaming Others for Your Gambling Misfortunes – You fool no one but yourself when you fail to look in the mirror for the reasons for your losses.

Failing to Try New Games – One of the bigger mistakes that online gamblers make is their failure to try new games. Games grow boring after awhile, and you lose your mental sharpness if you continue to play online casino games of one type.

Sources: http://www.onlinegambling.co.uk/articles/Online_Gambling_Mistakes.jsp

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Analysis of Table Gambling and Online Gambling.

chart for table gambling and online gambling

This week i will going to discuss about the analysis of table gambling and online gambling. According the voting from the poll, 62.5 % of respondent thinking that they preferred table gambling while 37.5 % of respondent preferred online gambling.

The reason why the percentage of respondent choosing table gambling is higher compared to online gambling is because they think the atmosphere of playing gambling game on table is much more realistic and excited. They can feel the real feeling of touching the play cards and they can try their luck directly. Another reason of respondent more preferred of table gambling is because the bookie cannot play cheat during the game is playing.

The reason why there are respondent choosing online gambling as their choice is because some of them might playing illegal gambling. They worry that police will catch them for gambling. So they prefer to take the risk for gambling online. Another main reason of choosing online gambling is they can gamble no mattter where they are and as long there is internet is available. They can gamble no matter what game is it. For example: sport games and casino.

Friday, 13 March 2009

Health Advisory on Internet Gambling

The American Psychiatric Association issued a health advisory (January 16, 2001) about Internet gambling. The advisory, from the committee on Treatment Services for Addicted Patients, notes that there has been tremendous growth of gambling opportunities in the last several years. This includes Internet gambling aimed at children and teenagers. Children can link to gambling sites from other game sites, and are lured by free gifts and discounts.

Internet gambling can be more dangerous than other forms of gambling since there are few - if any - regulations as to fairness, and most of the operators are outside the US. These operations are not regulated by state or federal statutes, so there is no control over the types of games available or the ages of the participants. Hackers can manipulate the games, and can gain access to credit card numbers and funds.

As of 2000, there were more than 1,300 online gambling sites with revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Research has shown a correlation between the availability of legal gambling in a state, and the proportion of the state's population who report gambling addiction or lesser problems. In all states, the rates of gambling problems are highest in high school and college-aged young adults. According to the advisory, about 10% to 15% of young people surveyed in the US and Canada report having experienced one or more problems related to gambling. This includes an estimated 1% to 6% who may satisfy the diagnostic criteria for pathological gambling.

Pathological gambling is an addiction-like disorder in which gambling-related behavior leads to damaging personal, family or social consequences. Individuals who have experienced 5 or more of these symptoms are diagnosed with this disorder.

  • precocupation with gambling-related thoughts, plans, or activities;
  • needing to gamble with increased sums of money to produce the desired excitement;
  • reseltessness of irritability when attempting to cut down or stop gambling;
  • gambling to escape from problems or relieve feelings of helplessness, anxiety, guilt or depression;
  • after losing money gambling, trying to win it back with more gambling;
  • lying to conceal gambling activities or their consequences;
  • committing illegal acts to finance gambling;
  • jeopardizing or losing a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of gambling;
  • relying on bailout money from others to fix a desperate gambling-related financial situation;
  • having made repeated unsuccessful attempts to control, cut back or stop gambling.
Problem gambling is the term applied to individuals with some but fewer than five of these symptoms. These individuals are at high risk for developing pathological gambling.

The isolation and timelessness of the Internet means that people can gamble undetected and uninterrupted for long periods. Young people may know nothing about the addictive nature of gambling, and may see it as a harmless pastime - just another cool game on the Net, but one where you might lose a few dollars. If a young person seems to be losing touch with other activities and is becoming increasingly involved with Internet or another form of gambling, they can get help at student health care facilities on their college campus, from mental health professionals, and organized gambling treatment programs.

The APA Advisory notes that the National Gambling Impact Study Commission has called for a ban on Internet gambling, but meanwhile the opportunities for gambling continue to grow at an explosive rate.

Information provided by
The American Psychiatric Association


I think this article should show to gamble that alway gambling online. This is to concern about the health of gamble. Gambling is not only affected your family and financial. It also affect your health.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Online gambling mistakes!! (first part)

When you play online casino games, you are at a mathematical disadvantage to the online gambling sites. Some common mistakes that should be avoided so that can reduce the chances of loosing. Most of the mistakes made by gamblers are because of carelessness, recklessness or a lack of preparedness.

You must always remember that the host of the online gambling website has advantages in all times. you have to minimize the advantage held by the site,so must reduce the host advantage by avoiding these common online gambling mistakes:

1. Play When You are Tired or Under the Weather-you should never play online gambling when you are not in peak performance that is when you are tired or under the weather. This is because you will make mistakes when you are not mentally clear and employ the strategies to win.

2. Play at a Online Casino that is not a Good Fit for You-Do not sit and play in a site that not advantage for you, or whose software is incompatible with your computer. Or else, this will complete your play in frustration, instead of pleasure.

3. Ignoring the Advantages of Free Online Gambling – You will loose a great advantage by not honing your game skills on a free online gambling site. By practicing strategies on these free online gambling sites, you will be better prepared for the rigors when you play online casino games at play-for-pay sites.

4. Unfamiliarity with the Rules of the Online Gambling Games – You can make costly mistakes by not knowing in detail the rules of the online gambling games. Furthemore, many of the free online casinos gambling sites have the rules for specific games posted as an educational tool for the player. Different sites and different games will have their own rules, so, you must understand the rules before you bet on it.

5. Failing to Pre-set a Budgetary Limit Prior to Play - You run the risk of losing substantial amounts of money if you neglect to set a budgetary limit on your gambling before you start to play. If you trust your bank account to a change in fortune during your play, you are doomed. You must set a limit to yourself, do not bet over the budget.

This is the first part of online gambling mistakes that will cause gamblers costly lose. There are still alot of mistakes that i did not mention above. Anyone has different idea of this topic do leave comment to me. Thanks

SOurce: http://www.onlinegambling.co.uk/articles/Online_Gambling_Mistakes.jsp

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Types of Gamblers Part 3 (End)

This weeks i will going to expalain the last 5 types of gamblers:
As below:

Pathological Gamblers (also called Compulsive Gamblers):

-This is the only "type" of gambler that has been fully defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a mental disorder.
-Usually has had at least one financial bailout from a friend, family member, maxed out credit cards or taken out loans from financial institution, unless they are affluent, although some pathological gamblers never have had a bailout.
-Pathological gamblers share some of the symptoms that are evidenced in problem gamblers (see above list).
-There may be attempts to justify, rationalize, hide, and/or minimize their behavior to others.
-Often they will mis-conceptualize the gambling problem as a financial problem.
- May blame others for stress they are creating.
-May try to win money needed for basic living expenses.\
-Winning means more time to gambling, wins are usually "re-invested" into more gambling.
-Usually thinks that they are only hurting themselves, unaware of the impact of their gambling on others
-Wager size increases over time (measured usually in years).
-Uses money to gamble that should otherwise be allocated/invested; for example does not have a independent retirement plan (e.g., IRA) that not associated with their work plan (e.g., 401K). This would not apply to some people.

Action Gambler:
- A win creates a "rush" that is probably associated with an excessive release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical associated with the subjective experience of pleasure.
- Reacts to gambling with an unusual degree of excitement, although this may experienced by the gambler but not expressed.
-More often plays games such as cards, craps, roulette, sports betting.
- A win may lead to larger bets.
-Gambling excitement is extremely pleasurable and achieving it becomes a major focus in the gambler's life.
-More men are action gamblers than women
-Often associated with ambitious, high intelligence, Type-A, "driven to succeed" personality traits.
-Besides gambling in a habitual pattern, they are more likely than the escape gambler to bet when feeling good, happy or lucky.

Escape Gambler:
Besides any habitual gambling patterns, they are more likely to gamble at times to escape emotional pain and life problems.
-Gambling produces a numb, trance-like, state of consciousness where problems are not in awareness.
-Slot machines and video poker are the most common forms for these gamblers.
-After many years of gambling action gamblers often start to experience escape-style gambling.
Increased chance that an escape gambler has been physically or emotionally abused.
Women are more often then men to be escape gamblers.

Antisocial Gambler:
- Engages in criminal activities, scams and rip-offs.
-Gambling is a method to steal money, may use loaded dice, marked cards, and fixed sports events or horse races.
-Different from gamblers who commit a crime to pay debt.
-May have a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder

Binge Gambler:

-Frequency of gambling episodes are periodic rather than consistent
-Long periods of no gambling are followed by binges that can be very costly financially, emotionally and damaging to relationships.
-There is an illusion of being in control that is a function of the ability have extended periods of not gambling.
-The relapse cycle is often triggered by a perceived "surplus" of money, while the binge cycle typically ends after a huge loss.

Source: http://www.stopgamblingnow.com/types_of_gamblers.htm

Monday, 9 March 2009

Stop gambling online

Published: Monday, November 10, 2008 Online-Casinos.com


Another 14 arrested for Internet gambling

Police in Kuantan, the capital of Pahang state in Malaysia have continued their clean up raids of cyber-cafes suspected of offering Internet gambling to patrons with the arrest of 17 people in the Gabang area.

Police spokesman Asst Comm Mohd Jasmani Yusoff said that the arrests occurred in raids in which computers and cash were seized. He said the latest arrest took place in a cybercafe in Jalan Besar, Gambang where 14 people, aged between 20 and 50, were detained at about 10.30pm.

“Two of the suspects were workers manning the centre while the rest were customers,” he told the local Star newspaper.

He said various other raids in Kuantan had resulted in the arrests of 55 people and seizure of 38 computers, while in Gebeng, there were 14 arrests and nine computers confiscated.

“All the premises owners will be investigated under Section 4(1)(b) of Common Gaming House Act 1953," the police spokesman confirmed.

The offenders could face a jail term of up to three years or a fine not exceeding RM 50 000 or both if convicted, and may have their cybercafe licenses revoked.

In raids in the area since October 9th, the police have arrested 86 people and seized 62 computer sets worth an estimated RM 186 000.


This is the news about a cyber cafe offering online gambling services to customers. If the cybercafe found guilty, he may facing a jail term of three years or above and a fine not exceeding RM50,000. It is a serious punishment and the fine is not a small amount. When someone want to go cybercafe to online, please make sure the cybercafe is a legal cybercafe which just offering gaming and online services. If the cybercafe offer online gambling services, please do not enter as you will also being caught if they is a police checking by suspecting u are one of those gambler that gambling using online gambling services offered by the cybercafe.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

3 quick tips to help you play online gambling like a pro

online gambling become more popular nowadays. Some players can win money but some are not. so, this is the best time for me to introduce the three tips that help players to play like a pro.

First, Don't be afraid to commit to the pot. Once you have a really good hand, you should always bet a fairly large amount. You can try to draw players into the hand with slowly increasing bets. If you do a large bet, and a player re-raises you, don't be afraid to call. Players must play with significant of confidence. Confidence on your betting and willing to take chance have the most susccess.

Second, Avoid underbetting the pot. If you just bet a small figure after every turn, then more players wish be inclined to stay in. This increases the chances of person hit cards and beating you. The ideal dissipated scenario for person with a good hand is to bet just enough to support one person in.Or, if it is one on one, bet high enough to scare folk off.

Third, Cognize what to do with a draw. If you have a draw, you have to be really careful.This is mean by you have draw cards, but you need one or more cards so that can win.For example, needing only one more card in order to have a flush is really nice, but many players get over excited. Players sometimes bet extremely high in these instances and then end up losing the hand. It is important to cognize what to do in case of a draw. You should either check or bet small. The only time you should bet high is if you think that the another player makes not have anything.

Above are the three tips that help you play online gambling like a pro. I think there are still alot of methods or tips that help players play like a pro. If anyone know about that, please leave your idea or comment for me. thanks.

Source: http://e-library.net/articles/Coaching/3-Quick-Tips-to-Help-You-Play-Online-Poker-Like-a-Pro.htm

Monday, 2 March 2009

Types of Gambler (Part 2)

The percentage of the online gambler keep increasing nowadays is because more online gamble website has been created. Other than Social Gamblers and Frequent Gambler (also known as "heavy" and "serious" gambling).
The main reason of a person will become a gambler is because they wish to earn more money in a short time and they do believe in their luck. This week i will going to explain 2 more types of gamblers:

Problem Gambler
-Gambling results at least one negative consequence to the gambler or person in their life, this would include relationship problems.
-Money used to gamble with should be otherwise allocated to other things.
-There might be family discord regarding the time or amount spent gambling.
-The gambling may diminish work performance or ability to focus on work fully.
-Long term goals and ambitions are sometimes replaced by gambling.
-Usually the gambler can and does quit or stop for periods of time, and may do so to "prove" that they do not have a problem.
-Often there is some degree of intolerance to losing as demonstrated by mood swings after a loss, or chasing the loss to get even.
-Problem gamblers may deny that any problem is occurring despite the observations of others.
-There may be attempts to hide or minimize gambling behavior.
-Often thinks of gambling as a second job or a viable source of revenue; they may aspire to be professional gamblers.
-May try to earn money needed for daily living by gambling, and in the process get into financial jams.
-Time spent gambling exceeds what an outsider would think is reasonable.
-Unless the gambler is affluent, money may be occasionally borrowed from other people or credit cards.
-Problem gamblers often temporarily quit gambling after a big loss and will resume once their finances have stabilized.
-Often viewed as being a "regular" at gambling establishments, staff may know their name and they receive comps, these comps, or other reward programs foster more gambling.
-The severity of the problem does not meet the full criteria for a diagnosis of pathological gambling as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatry, DSM-IV™ (a copy is provided in the assessment section) but they often have between 1 and 3 symptoms (a sign).

Professional Gambler:

Professional Gambler:
-Rarely loses control when placing bets.
-Gambling is methodical and planned (e.g., a professional horse gambler may not bet on every race).
-Maintain discipline and refrain from impulsive betting
-Accept financial losses without chasing to win them back.
-Professional gamblers do not meet the DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling, but may have a couple of symptoms (e.g. preoccupation).
-Gambling is their primary source of income.
-Most problem and pathological gamblers fantasize about being a professional gambler or mistakenly believe that they are, there are very few true professional gamblers.
-Many professional gamblers will eventually evolve in to problem or pathological

Sunday, 1 March 2009

How Avoid Bogus Online Casinos

Online casino has being a very popular form gambling and now has a growing legion of followers , online gambling allows you to play all you favorite games online there are many such websites that offer many of the popular games such as online poker ,slots, blackjack and many others . In order to play or be part of an online casino you have to download the online casinos software and then you can start playing and if you want to bet on the games you will have to make a deposit. There currently more than 1200 online casinos and of that number not all of them are genuine casinos and if you are not careful you can find yourself robbed of your money, in this article we will look at how you can avoid bogus online casinos.

Firstly you will have to find a reliable online casino which have a good reputation and are recommended by most review sites examples of such online casinos include millionaire casino, online Vegas , lucky 18 casino , platinum play , golden casino just to mention a few . When ever you make payments or send very confidential information you always want to ensure that you information is safe, to do this with your online casino make sure there is a yellow padlock on status bar of your browser this shows you that the casinos software is using 128 bit encryption software while sending and receiving information this ensures that you personal information is safe.
To ensure that the on online casino you want to join is genuine you must make sure it is a licensed casino and with which licensing board is it licensed to another way to do this is to check whether the online casino is not blacklisted, there many review sites which provide information on casinos which have been blacklisted for various reasons this is one of determine the position of an online casino. You might want to also check if it is professionally recognized by other casinos and other casino rating boards.
Finally you might want to try out their costumer support service this will tell you a lot about the type of service you are going to get can give you an idea of whether or not a casino is bogus , a good casino should provide 24/7 costumer support and backup
I feel that this article is very useful for us to prevent we choose the wrong online gambling website that will cause unnecessary problem to us. Is it very important to choose a right website when online gambling because when choose the wrong website maybe your privacy will be shown to public or unneccsary problem.
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